The De-Evolution of Ram Gopal Varma

Few months back I had written a post on Ram Gopal Varma called “The Truth about the Man” . It was intended to be a two part series but somehow I never wrote the second part. Part 2 was originally intended to focus on Ramu’s technical accomplishments and the illustrious list of proteges that he has given to the film industry. However, in the few months since I wrote the first part I noticed something strange. By looking at Ramu’s statements and the movies that he has been attempting to make we can safely arrive at one conclusion. Ram Gopal Varma is acting against the laws of nature and seems to be in a state of constant De-Evolution. In order to understand why I made the above statement, we need to first look at the evolution of Ram Gopal Varma. Only then will we be able to see the process of his De-Evolution.